Team Havoc Studios

Video Editor

June - July 2023 • Orlando, FL

What I liked

When I got the offer letter from Team Havoc Studios, I was very excited to work with them as a video editor. Given the opportunity to create content and experience for my resume.

What I wish was different

Unproper professionalism, because, before starting the internship during the interview process they already established that it was an unpaid internship. I knew that before and after my supposed dismissal from the organization. They also established that we would be able to reference and/or cite the edits through their social media pages. But, did not mention that Video Editors will not be mention or credited when turning in the edits. They did not acknowledge the video editors that was working under them and the work that they do, because of the claim of doing the work themselves in raw footage. Then, falsey accuse of claims for demanding payment for the edits, when actuality of a question being asked if video editors get credited when turning in the edits that was done within post. I was improperly dismissed from any invovlemnet from them. Without a explanation of why after I resigned my position as a video editor for them.


I think Team Havoc Studios need to apply to Video Editors that will not be mention and/or be credited when posting their edits through their social media platforms. As more of a clarification when applying for their postion.
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