TAMUCC Mary and Jeff Bell Library

About TAMUCC Mary and Jeff Bell Library

Mary and Jeff Bell Library Mission Statement: The Mary and Jeff Bell Library serves Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi by actively collaborating in the teaching, research, and service endeavors of our academic community, through enhanced discovery of and access to quality information resources, innovative services, and stimulating physical and virtual environments that facilitate research, inspire creativity, and equip students with the tools for lifelong learning.


Student assistant

September 2016 Corpus Christi, TX
“Everyone is nice, friendly and welcoming!”

Technical student assistant System department

October 2017 Corpus Christi, TX
“Everything about my job is amazing the environment and work is something i take pride and joy in the constant task and coming with a can do it attitude makes this job even more fun fixing computers and setting devices for students,faculty,and staff.”
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