Stonyfield Organic

About Stonyfield Organic

While Stonyfield is best known for making yogurt, yogurt wasn’t the way the founders of Stonyfield thought they’d change the world. In 1983, Stonyfield co-founders Samuel Kaymen and Gary Hirshberg were simply trying to help family farms survive, protect the environment, and keep food and food production healthy through their nonprofit organic farming school.

Just to keep things running, the duo started putting their farm’s seven cows to work making yogurt. They knew they were making a healthy food grown with care; what they didn’t expect was how much people would love it.

People went crazy for the yogurt from Samuel and Gary’s little farm school, and the two knew they had found a way to make a real difference. With this yogurt business, the two organic farming teachers could show the whole world that a company could make healthy, delicious food without relying on toxic chemicals that harm the environment and public health.

So, the two went all-in on yogurt and, over 30 years later, our mission is still healthy.


Social Media Intern

May 2019 - August 2019 Londonderry, NH
“This was a great opportunity to get my hands dirty and learn the ins and outs of a digital marketing team. I loved the people I worked with and always felt apart of the team. This was my second summer at Stonyfield. My first summer there were only 2 other interns, but this summer there were at least 10 of us, which was SO awesome! I made some great friends and we still stay in touch/use each other as resources. ”

Sales strategy and planning

May 2019 - August 2019 Londonderry, NH
“Working on a vast array of projects to benefit the company and enhance my skills. ”
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