
About Statista

Join our international team
Statista is one of the world’s leading statistics portals.

As a multiple award-winning innovative digital company, Statista provides customers such as Google, Bloomberg, Forbes, Procter & Gamble, or Porsche with high-quality research & analysis, data intelligence, and content marketing products and services.

With 600 employees from more than 57 different nations and offices in Hamburg, New York, London, Singapore, and Paris, Statista draws its great innovative power from its internationality and diversity.

Statista provides a company culture based around learning by doing and entrepreneurship, offers great career opportunities, and combines the pioneering spirit of a start-up with the stability of an established company.


Marketing Intern

August 2017 New York City, NY
“I enjoyed the social media projects, blog posts, and training events I got to partake in. I was trained on Excel and received a certification, published multiple blog posts, and worked as a member of an intern team to create a social media presence for the company. ”

Marketing Intern

June 2018 New York City, NY
“The office was on Wall St next to the Stock exchange, the iconic location open office, mini golf, scooters all provided a very positive environment for interns”
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