SWIB is a trusted and skilled global investment organization managing the assets of the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and other separately managed funds. With over $140 billion in total assets under management, SWIB has been recognized as a premier asset manager by the investment industry in large part due to its innovation and teamwork. Sophisticated investment management strategies, forward-looking technologies, and strong internal asset management make SWIB a leading investment organization.
For public employees in Wisconsin, SWIB is a unique and valuable partner. Investing for the financial security of more than 648,000 individuals – and for the 1,500 Wisconsin employers who contribute on behalf of their employees – SWIB’s exceptional management of the WRS has helped propel SWIB’s status as one of the only fully funded public pension funds in the country. SWIB’s long-term investment returns meet the challenges of a constantly evolving investment landscape while helping grow and protect the assets of the WRS, the 8th largest public pension fund in the U.S. and 25th largest public or private pension fund in the world.
We are a mission-driven organization and the participants we serve are our mission. By bringing a disciplined, prudent and innovative approach to market opportunities, SWIB has been successful in generating strong investment returns and maintaining the trust of the beneficiaries and stakeholders of the funds we oversee.