Spring Valley YMCA

What preparation tips can anyone here offer for someone who's interviewing for a swimming instructor job at Spring Valley YMCA?

Know your basic water safety rules and your basic rescues (front and back rescues both active and passive). They will ask you why you want to work there and how you align with their community goals which you should research beforehand. They respect community service but is not necessary to get a ...
Interview Recreation Swim Instructor Spring Valley YMCA
1 answer

What does a work day look like for someone in a swim instructor role at Spring Valley YMCA ?

Typically it was fine and what you would expect, clock in, get your binder together where you keep your kids name and level, get your necessary supplies and lane and be good to go. Half way during the lesions you are expected to do report cards, as well as the end of the session to decide whether...
Day in the Life Recreation Swim Instructor Spring Valley YMCA
1 answer