This company has really sealed the deal for me. They care about their employees and provide so much support along the way. This job has aloud me to have one on one training and provided me with 2 supervisors to work closely with. You are able to create your own schedule which is super helpful in accommodating with classes and other obligations. If you have ever thought about a great starting point to becoming a BCBA, this job is for you. I will not be leaving this company unless I absolutely have to! You don't find a company like this often.
What I wish was different
The only thing I wish is that the company was closer to Kalamazoo! I commute daily but it is more than worth the drive.
Step out of your comfort zone. I love the quote by Brené Brown that states, "lean into the discomfort." I never took well to change and I like my routine to remain the same. I am so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and made an account on Handshake. I not only secured a job that I love in my field, but also gained a support system that aloud me to find my passion in behavior analysis.