Signature Construction

About Signature Construction

Signature Construction is a full-service construction management company founded in 1986 as a member of the Pedcor family of companies. Since its inception Signature has helped develop and construct over 16,000 multi-family housing units in 16 states throughout the Midwest. Signature, as an industry leader in multi-family construction, is dedicated to building a quality, maintenance free, development that will withstand the test of time at the most affordable price possible. But for a small fraction, all of the multi-family housing units built by Signature continue to be owned and managed by their original owners.

Signature employs over 80 construction professionals ready to serve your needs and to make your next development a success.


Assistant Superintendent

May 2019 - August 2019 Rochester, MN
“Fantastic group of people to work for and along with. Treats employees very generously and compensates you extremely well for relocation fees. Learned so much more than I ever could have imagined in one summer. ”
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