Shoshone School District

About Shoshone School District

Shoshone Joint School District is located in Shoshone, Idaho. A community of about 1400 people. Grades K-12 are located in one building with different wings for elementary, middle school (grades 6-8) and high school. We also have an Alternative High School located in town. Shoshone is a four-day-a- week school. Which means we are in school Monday through Thursday. The school day begins at about 7:41a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Fridays are called enrichment days where different activities are scheduled for any student who wants to participate. Activities include art, physical activities, crafts, cooking classes, movies, game days/nights, etc. Staff take turn with enrichment days so everyone can enjoy Friday's off.


IT assistant

June 2018 - August 2018 Shoshone, ID
“The hours and pay were nice, friendly environment.”
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