Shepherd Center

Spinal Cord Injury Gym Runner

July 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

The friendly atmosphere

What I wish was different

Shorter shifts


Do not be afraid to reach out to ask the physical and occupational therapists to shadow if that is your intention for volunteering
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Rehab Center Volunteer

January 2017 - February 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

Everything! I loved driving there to volunteer and I loved the people there. People were very welcoming, and the patients were so nice as well. I originally started volunteering there because I need hours to go towards OT school, but after my hours were finished, I stayed because I liked it so much.

What I wish was different



Something I took away from my experience was that it humbled me. You never realize how great your life truly is until you see someone who has less than you. So don't take anything for granted because a lot of people would give it all to be in our shoes. We sometimes don't realize how great it is to walk, run, attend school and work or even breathe on our own.
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