
Software Intern

September - December 2023 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

As an intern at Shaachi, I've experienced firsthand the positive impact of Shaachi’s flexible scheduling and personalized task assignments. Their willingness to accommodate our schedules has made balancing work, school, and other commitments seamless. Moreover, being able to work on tasks aligned with my interests has made my internship truly fulfilling. This personalized approach ensured that I was engaged and motivated and allowed to develop my skills in areas I am genuinely passionate about.

What I wish was different


One piece of advice I'd offer is to fully embrace the opportunity to work based on your interests at Shaachi. Use this flexibility to dive deep into various aspects of software development. Whether it's exploring different programming languages, experimenting with new technologies, or delving into specific areas like machine learning or web development, take advantage of the freedom to explore. By doing so, you'll not only broaden your skill set but also gain invaluable insights and experiences that will shape your career trajectory in software development.
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