Saphire Event Group


May - July 2023 • Walpole, MA

What I liked

I loved so many things about this internship. First, the people. Everyone that I got to meet at SEG gave me such a warm welcome and it made me feel very comfortable interning with this company. Everyone understood that I was new to that environment and the staff taught me so much on how to handle events, especially weddings, and I feel like I learned so much through them all. Second, I really loved just seeing the behind-the-scenes of it all and how to run a proper wedding. Not only did I learn so much throughout this internship, but I also gained a sense of happiness from being in that environment. Watching a bride and groom enjoying the most important day of their lives was probably one of the most incredible sights I've ever seen and the coolest thing I've gotten to experience. Every time I left SEG to go home, I left with a smile on my face because I was so happy for the couple that just got married, and mostly happy because I got to experience their special day with them.

What I wish was different

There are only two things that I can think of when I read this question. First, I wish I lived a little closer to the internship. I had almost an hour commute and sometimes it was difficult to make sure I gave myself enough time before leaving my house so I could be at SEG on time. Second, I wish I got paid through this internship. I wasn't even required an internship, so I really did this for the experience. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the experience and I'm so glad I did it, but even with the commute, I spent so much gas so it would've been nice to get something from them for driving that far to help.


One piece of advice that I would share about this experience is that when you first start, the first few weddings can be a little overwhelming. Especially if you've never been in that type of environment before where there are over 100 guests at a facility. But I would suggest understanding the timeline that the event planner goes by. I learned that it's really important that everyone is on the same page with everything so the wedding can be done professionally and everything is on time. Also, definitely ask any questions, I would always ask whatever came to mind no matter how ridiculous it sounded, I was always curious through this experience but in the best way possible.
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