Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

Organizationa, Capability, and Effectiveness Intern

May - August 2018 • Sacramento, CA

What I liked

I really liked being involved in the company's inner workings and what they had going on in their business. Just having that insight into the projects from the engineers and other employees was very informative and interesting.

What I wish was different

I wished that I was able to stay more connected to the engineers that I got to meet at SMUD just to gather more from their knowledge and connection to their field.


Take as many opportunities as the internship program would offer you, if they offer college units for the program, you should take those units along with the internship, or if you would be able to personally meet and interview some of the professionals in the organization, then try and meet those who relate to your career interests.
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Treasury and Risk Management Intern

May - August 2020 • Sacramento, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed the collaborative work environment. Although this was an untraditional internship due being remote, my supervisors kept me very engaged. I was assigned valuable work that will help me while building a career as a financial analyst.

What I wish was different

I wish it was in person so I could network a bit more with other interns or professionals outside of the Treasury Department, but obviously with remote work set in place that was not possible.


Be open to learning and don’t be afraid to ask questions to get the most out of your experience!
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Record and Information Intern

June - August 2018 • Sacramento, CA

What I liked

All the employees were very nice and helpful. I loved my time there

What I wish was different


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