Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights

About Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights

Our Mission

The Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights ("Commission") is one of the oldest state agencies in the country that specializes in antidiscrimination law enforcement. The Rhode Island General Assembly established the Commission in 1949 with the understanding that "[t]he practice or policy of discrimination against individuals a matter of state concern", and that "discrimination foments public strife and unrest, threatens the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the state, and undermines the foundations of a free democratic state". R.I.G.L. Section 28-5-2.

The Commission's major program activities include:
outreach and education;
intake, investigation and settlement of discrimination charges;
administrative hearings.


Investigative Intern

June 2023 - August 2023 Providence, RI
“I liked the extent to which my colleagues trusted me to do my work. There was certainly an extensive orientation program, but once I was finished with and had completed a few assignments, I was trusted to complete them on my own and to do some substantial investigative work. I was also assigned some side projects, such as community outreach work and working on questions for a subpoena hearing. ”
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