Reroot Pontiac

Biology Intern

May - September 2021 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I liked the whole research process from the beginning day to the end, and being able to take control of my own project. The leadership at Reroot Pontiac is very strict, but extremely supportive. I did this internship as a pre-medical major and I was able to find a project that fit into my science of interest.

What I wish was different

I do wish the internship had a little bit more structure, in terms of the field work requirements. Every day, I was working on a completely different project with no real structure in completing one project and moving onto the next.


Even though it is an unpaid internship, the lessons learned and the skills gained with working alongside the management is invaluable. Be sure to take advantage of every business connection that the management provides for you, and approach every work day with a positive attitude and a willingness to do anything. Trust me, it makes the experience so much better.
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Biology Intern

May - August 2019 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

I enjoyed the community aspect and helping to improve the environment, also the people working there were very kind and always willing to help.

What I wish was different

I wish more was able to get done, but at times they were either did not have the funding or the manpower, but during my time we were able to get a lot done.


Always do your best, if you need help ask, somebody will always be willing to aid you in your task.
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GIS Specialist

June 2016 - March 2019 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

As a volunteer, you get to work with passionate people who work towards improving the livelihood of those who are unfortunate. I like that we use our knowledge in science and engineering to help improve abandoned landscapes and transform them into something productive and meaningful.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more awareness to this non-profit as it does an amazing job in helping the community


Have patience
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Environmental Specialist Intern

May 2017 • Pontiac, MI

What I liked

We did all types of things. I got to explore many different environmental subjects and how to implament many projects.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have seen more of the larger projects completed. Many of them are long term and I wish I could see the end result.


While it can be a lot of work it is also a lot of fun.
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