I was taught a lot about an industry that was brand new to me. There were many detailed sessions that have insight into the airline industry.
What I wish was different
Due to COVID, the internship was virtual. I wish it could’ve been in-person.
This experience allowed me to work with students of all majors. I wasn’t just working with other finance majors.
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Collegiate Ambassador
December 2019 • Daytona Beach, FL
What I liked
The people! Everybody is very warm and welcoming, as well as subject matter experts.
What I wish was different
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Airline Pilot
June 2018 • Indianapolis, IN
What I liked
Everything about my job is incredible, I absolutely love it.
What I wish was different
Living further West would be nice, but the travel benefits make up for this.
I would definitely purse being an Airline Pilot.
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IT Service Center Intern
May 2019 • Indianapolis, IN
What I liked
The company culture is very relaxed and supportive. Republic is a leader in the regional airline industry and its people are the reason behind that title.
What I wish was different
Connect with as many others in the company as you can. There are so many different backgrounds and experiences at Republic and its essential to be connected with other associates.