Reproductive Freedom for All

Arizona Organizing Intern

September 2023 - January 2024 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

It's a good opening job to canvassing and basic organizing.

What I wish was different

It is incredibly corporate - as all NGOs are. If you are looking for true community grassroots organizing I suggest not applying here. They also idolize politicians, really weird environment.


Very corporate. Is not true community organizing. Idolizes politicians. Odd environment, felt very performative at times. With the funding and resources they have, they should be doing so much more. Instead it just felt more like a company that was there to praise democrats - would also like to point out that they have completely ignored Palestine and actively worked to suppress any employees speaking out about Palestine. So I guess they don't care about all women - only the white ones.
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Communications Intern

May - August 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

The agency I was given to gain experience as a full-fledged member of a communications team. The amount I had the chance to write and the people I met will influence the rest of my career.

What I wish was different

The application process was a little scattered, and I think the experience depended on the department you were in.


Do your best to use the entire network at NARAL, everyone is willing to grab a coffee and offer advice if you ask!
3 ${count} people found this helpful

Executive Intern

September 2020 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I'm very passionate about the work that NARAL does, so it was an incredible opportunity to learn about how a national organization in that field (reproductive rights) operates from a high-level strategy perspective. I also enjoyed being able to connect with so many intelligent and creative people in the field.

What I wish was different

I wish I had taken opportunities to connect with individuals outside my department earlier in the internship experience. Part of what the internship has to offer is the amazing network, and I wish I had taken advantage of it right from the start instead of gradually as the internship continued.


The internship experience varies greatly depending on what department you work in. I would recommend doing your homework on what department would be the best fit for you, and then, once you are at NARAL, connect with individuals within or outside your department early and often.
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Digital Designer Intern

May - August 2018 • Washington, DC

What I liked

I got to use creativity and design skills to further a cause I believe in.

What I wish was different



Talk to people who work there about their experiences, everyone is so interesting and helpful
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