
About RepresentWomen

RepresentWomen is a research organization that advocates for systems-based reforms to increase the representation and leadership of women in the United States. As a non-partisan, non-profit organization, RepresentWomen orients itself among its partners as a hub for research, alliance-building, and advocacy in its pursuit of deconstructing the barriers that limit women's representation at all levels of government.

RepresentWomen was founded in 2012 as Representation2020, a program of the non-partisan elections reform group FairVote. The team engaged in research to track the status of women's representation in the U.S. and abroad, understand the underlying reasons women are underrepresented, and find evidence-based solutions to address the problem. This inquiry resulted in a suite of reports, studies, and tracking tools that follow trends in women's representation in the U.S. and internationally and identify the best practices to advance women's representation and leadership.

RepresentWomen incorporated, formed a board, and received its non-profit designation in early 2018. Today, RepresentWomen works to increase the representation and leadership of all women in elected and appointed offices through research, coalition-building, and advocacy.


Communications Intern

January 2022 - April 2022 Takoma Park, MD

Communications Intern

January 2020 Takoma Park, MD
“This internship gave me a lot of flexibility to be able to pursue my interests and engage with their research directly. I have been really involved with a specific project for the majority of my internship, which has allowed me to really dive into it! The workload is manageable (even with a 15 credit class schedule and other obligations) and everyone in the office is extremely accommodating. ”
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