Canopy Intern

May - July 2021 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

I liked attending various workshops and virtual meetings going over contemporaneous immigration law, language justice topics, and ways to vet agencies that I could help callers connect with.

What I wish was different

My experience was remote, so I wish that it had been in-person. That would have been particularly helpful for some more complicated connections or situations that required nuance, such as callers requesting assistance beyond the capacity that I could provide as an intern.


Don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Canopy Hotline Intern

June - August 2020 • Houston, TX

What I liked

I loved my supervisor, the team that I was working with, and the overall environment of the organization. Because the work was emotionally challenging, it was incredibly helpful to have such a supportive group of people working alongside me.

What I wish was different

I wish this opportunity could have been in person!


Make sure you understand Zoho well before starting intake calls!
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RAICES Karnes Pro Bono Project Intern

June - August 2019 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

I loved being able to serve communities that I care about in a direct and tangible way. I also liked meeting people who were just as passionate about direct service and advocacy as I am!

What I wish was different

I wish that ICE would shut down immigrant detention centers so that no human beings would be in cages, therefore no longer needing the Karnes Pro Bono Project.


I would say it is super important to build a community of care for yourself when doing work that is emotionally/mentally exhausting.
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Karnes Pro Bono Project Intern

June - August 2018 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

I enjoyed the ability to garner a lot of hands-on experience and learn from a team that is so passionate about the work they are doing to change the lives of others.

What I wish was different

I wish family detention centers did not exist, and I also wish that there would have been more self-care initiatives for the Karnes Pro Bono Project staff.


I would say that it is important to recognize that nonprofit is a lot of emotional labor that is severely underpaid and undervalued, but necessary, and that it is a good idea to intern for a nonprofit to see what the work is truly like if you are interested in this field.
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Legal Intern

June - July 2018 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

An absolutely incredible experience working with RAICES legal team in Karnes detention center! I learned so much about asylum law and improved my Spanish. I loved being on the ground seeing how our immigration policy was implemented and how lawyers respond to executive/legislative changes to precedents. San Antonio is a great small sized city to explore in the summer.

What I wish was different

It was unpaid and the flight/housing was not cheap. I wish I had a chance to go to immigration court with some of the lawyers.


Reach out to them, they're always looking for help! Be open to learning and ask all the questions.
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