Polytechnic School

Teacher's aide

June 2014 - July 2019 • Pasadena, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Working with students is about being engaged with them and ensuring what is best for them at all times. At Polysummer, I strive to be the best educator and support system I can be as soon as I step onto the campus. Students feed off of that energy so it is vital to remember where you are and what your job is when you are around your students in order for them to know you not only care about their development, you are there to help them along the way.
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Teachers Assistant

June - August 2019 • Pasadena, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed returning to my hometown to work with kids participating in a summer school program

What I wish was different

I wish that I had been given slightly more experience applicable to my pursued profession.


I would say that working for the same company for three summers has been great for networking and having a strong worker relationship, but I plan on working elsewhere next summer because I feel that various types of work can provide new and rich experiences.
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