Plastic Tides

About Plastic Tides

Plastic Tides, Inc. (EIN:82-0740463) is a registered New York 501(c)(3) organization working globally to tackle the issue of plastic pollution. We sleep, eat and breathe potential solutions, new scientific data, the latest news, and anything else concerning plastic pollution. The ultimate goal is to change the mindset about plastics. What was once the answer to every household's endless supply of dirty dishes, is now the problem washing up on every shore in the world, showing up in the stomachs of every animal, and poisoning our waterways.
We need your help! We are looking to fill a select few intern positions within our organization. These are short term, unpaid, and work remote positions.
We are seeking interns in: social media, partnership relations, supply chain coordination, press relations, and blog curating.


Team Coordinator Intern

June 2021 Tallahassee, FL
“Great remote internship that allows you to support a company that is doing great things!”

Grant Writing and Research

June 2021 Boston, MA
“I'm joining Plastic Tides this summer as a Grant Writer and Researcher and I'm very excited to begin working with such a diverse and dedicated group of people interested in environmental and marine science.”
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