Phoenix College
STEM Assisitant
August 2017 - May 2019 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
I was able to gain skills that I did not know. Also, I was able to work one on one with a teacher mentor and they helped me
What I wish was different
Maybe I wish they would have offered this for a longer period of time.
Always reach out and put yourself out there. Make sure that you are open-minded and take an opportunity that you can.
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Computer Help Desk Representative
May - July 2019 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
The hours and time to do research on the computer.
What I wish was different
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January 2018 - May 2019 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
I liked the opportunities made available for student who were interested in research.
What I wish was different
I wish I had know about it sooner in my academic career.
Take a statistics class, it will help a lot!
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July 2018 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
I like that they're very flexible with my hours and they understand my passion to continue with my education.
What I wish was different
I wished I had a higher salary and receive actual health benefits.
This an amazing opportunity to have and you learn something new each day.
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