Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

Scientific & Technical Intern

May - September 2019 • Harrisburg, PA

What I liked

I learned so much! Coming into it with only a little experience, I was given opportunities to train and pick up a myriad of new skills that will really help boost my resume for future job applications. I even tried new things that I never thought I would, and the overall experience was very rewarding. Everyone I met loved their job, and I loved working with them.

What I wish was different

I wish I had started earlier so I could do more, but unfortunately I didn't apply for my first internship until my last summer as an undergraduate. Once graduated, I will not be able to apply for the internship again.


When filling out online government resumes, make sure to use lots of key words for what experience you have and what the job requires, and use them repeatedly. A computer system scans for those key words, and every time you use them will pop up as a hit for your resume, almost guaranteeing you'll get an interview.
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