
Client Advisory Intern

May - August 2023 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Working at Crestone Capital has been an extremely enjoyable experience. From the moment you start, you are given resources and a network of mentors to learn from. Interns are given the opportunity to explore everything from financial advisory to wealth & estate planning through hands on training and mentorship meetings. Thanks to my internship at Crestone, I have gained an immense amount of knowledge on the financial industry, a network of incredible individuals, and an eagerness to explore wealth management as a professional career.

What I wish was different


The biggest thing I learned from this experience is to ask questions. Coming into this internship I didn't have as strong of a financial background, but through constant support and nurturing from Crestone, my knowledge on financial terms has grown exponentially, which I attribute to being curious about reports being run or terms being thrown out in conversations.
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Investment Research Intern

May - August 2023 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Everyone at Crestone is so kind and supportive and really makes an effort to get to know the interns even though we are only on the team for a short period of time. My financial literacy has increased tremendously since working at Crestone and I have been able explore areas of finance that interest me through the capstone project.

What I wish was different


Speak up! There are often times when analysts will ask who of the interns wants to tackle a project instead of assigning it to someone, and you must advocate for yourself to gain the experience.
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Client Advisory Intern

March 2023 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

I am still currently on the team, but so far, I have liked everything about my experience with Crestone thus far. An incredible network building opportunity and mentorship program throughout the internship. Everyone that I have met has been kind, supportive, and have always been willing to lend an ear for questions or just talk about life. There have also been so many opportunities for personal growth in different areas. Professionalism, attention to detail, and good business practice have been the most significant things that I think have been refined throughout my time so far during my internship at Crestone.

What I wish was different


The best piece of advice that I could give anyone starting this internship is to always be looking for opportunities. If someone has time, it is never a bad idea to ask them out for lunch or coffee to learn a little more about life, business, or anything in between. Always look for opportunities to grow and challenge yourself to be better by stepping outside of your comfort zone.
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Investment Research Intern

May - August 2023 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

The people. Everyone, from the other interns to senior directors were all super helpful and enjoyable to work with. There were often social events tailored towards the interns which allowed everyone to get to know each other personally.

What I wish was different


Be active in communicating your interests and your goals during your internship.
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Client Advisory Intern

March 2023 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Crestone is an incredible group of hardworking and kind people. They make you feel like a part of the family with regular office hours to ask questions, social events, and the ability to communicate with the higher ups on a day to day basis. The work is different almost every day and always interesting. There are some mundane tasks but they don't feel like punishment as the team is extremely grateful and will give you more challenging and fun tasks!

What I wish was different

Not much can be said as this was such an incredible opportunity. If I had to pick one it would be that there can be large projects that are mundane. However, you often bond with other interns during this process and the team is always grateful for the work!


Always be active. When you are bored from time to time reach out to people and see how you can help and our learn something new!
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Investment Research Intern

May - August 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

I enjoyed being part of a collaborative community and constantly engaging with others. The company does a great job of hosting group events and giving opportunities to network with one another. Additionally, the research that we did was fascinating and added value to the firm. Throughout the summer I learned various new skills that will be helpful in my future endeavors. I would highly recommend an internship with Crestone Capital!

What I wish was different


A piece of advice that I would like to share about this experience is to try to learn as much as possible. There were many times I wasn't aware of how something worked or the terminology being used, but I saw that as an opportunity. Try to soak up as much information as possible and think of the internship as a learning experience as well.
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Client Advisory Intern

January - December 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Crestone Capital is a top-notch, elite wealth management firm that provides high-level service to both clients and employees, which has made for a phenomenal learning experience. Their internship program provides extensive knowledge on all things finance and they give you the autonomy to pursue what you desire. From portfolio management to alternative asset exposure, Crestone Capital interns develop a deep understanding of the wealth management industry through mentorship pairings and effective, hands-on training. Consistently named as one of the "Best Places to Work", Crestone Capital's biggest differentiators are its culture, credibility, and supportive learning environment.

What I wish was different


Crestone Capital interns are exposed to unique opportunities that one should take full advantage of. For example, interns get to work with alternative investments, such as hedge funds and private equity, which provides valuable and sought-after knowledge in a rather exclusive investment space. Also, I would advise interns to leverage the networking opportunities presented by all of Crestone Capital's professionals, beyond the department you are working for. Everyone is extremely intelligent and they want to help you succeed.
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Client Advisory Intern

June - August 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Crestone Capital is an amazing company if you are interested in the wealth management field. As an intern, I was constantly reminded that if you take the initiative or show interest in a topic, Crestone will always find a way to support you in your endeavors. Whether it be connecting you to the right people at the company or directing you to certain programs, they want you to succeed and want you to add value to the company. They have a very positive outlook on the financial field as a whole and I admire their manner in building relationships with their clients.

What I wish was different


As an intern, they encourage you to set up 15 minute conversations with almost everyone at the company. This was a great experience and a great aspect of the internship program. My advice is to ensure you listen to their advice during these conversations. I was able to meet so many interesting people and I improved my networking skills as a whole.
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Client Advisory Intern

January 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Working at Crestone Capital has been a phenomenal experience for me. Going into this internship I had an interest in developing my technical skill set in addition to gaining knowledge of the financial Markets. Thanks to the design of this internship, I was able to accomplish this. I really enjoyed learning about the various asset classes within finance due to Crestone's unique investment philosophy. Additionally, this company has a network of incredibly accomplished individuals who are easy to learn from. Lastly, I really appreciated the opportunity to work with various departments, specifically I enjoyed applying my skills in programming to investment research and business technology.

What I wish was different

This internship can be very challenging at times. During the school year making it to the Office can be really hectic and challenging when it comes to time management. It might be nice for interns to have some virtual access in the future.


My advice would be to take advantage of the relationships you develop at the company. Most people that work here have an accomplished career in various fields. It would be very beneficial for future interns to capitalize on this when it comes to either future careers, or picking up projects to help improve their current internship experience. Lastly, I think interns should prioritize getting exposure to the various teams within Crestone, this will help them wrap their minds around the operations within the Finance industry.
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Client Advisory Intern

January 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Interning at Crestone has been an amazing experience. Working at such a high performing and professional place has led me to learn much about wealth management, alternative assets, and how to communicate in the workplace. The intern program allows for you to gain hands-on experience about all different areas of finance, such as client advisory, investment research, accounting, wealth planning, etc. The culture at Crestone Capital is also top tier, with very helpful mentor and analyst pairings and the ability to learn from the many different experiences the team at Crestone has.

What I wish was different


Expand your knowledge and your network as much as possible. Working on different projects for different departments has helped me tremendously. All of the team has incredible knowledge about their department, and getting to ask questions led to an increased understanding of important concepts in the finance world. In the same vein, use these experiences as networking opportunities. Everyone is willing to help you find what's right for you, so capitalize on these experiences.
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Client Advisory Intern

January - August 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Interning for Crestone Capital was a great experience that provided me with professional skills and many experiences with working on cross dimensional teams and gaining conceptual and real world knowledge of financial management. They provided me with mentors who helped with career and academic advice which was very helpful to start building my professional network. The team was also very helpful in answering any questions about the industry, projects, experiences, and so much more.

What I wish was different


Make the most out of this internship by building your professional network, asking a lot of questions, picking up different projects from different teams (investment research, accounting, business development, etc) and getting to know all the parts of the team you might be interested in in the future. Crestone's team is full of individuals with so many different professional and personal experiences, and getting to network with these people will help you immensely in finding what is right for your career. Everyone on the team is so willing to help, so take advantage of all you can learn to make the most out of your experience here.
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Client Advisory Intern

January 2022 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

Crestone has been an awesome place to work and grow my understanding of personal financial management. They provide hands on training for everything you will need to do, and teach you every piece of the client advisory business. You will get the opportunity to vastly grow your professional network with experienced industry professionals and you will be assigned a mentor to help guide you during your time at Crestone. I have learned so much about Microsoft Excel, financial reporting, wealth management, and how to operate in a professional work environment.

What I wish was different

There are very few things I wish had gone differently through this experience. I'm still currently working at this internship, but I wish I would've capitalized more on the opportunity here by talking to more people and taking on more nuanced projects throughout the summer.


Take advantage of being at Crestone. Grow your network, talk to people who work in areas that you're interested in, and own certain nuanced projects that benefit the company. You will grow your understanding of yourself and your professional ambitions by coming to work here.
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