Open Learning Exchange

About Open Learning Exchange

Open Learning Exchange works with our nation-based partners to ensure that everyone, especially girls and young women, living in poverty and disruption, master the specific knowledge and skills they need to thrive. We are making this possible with innovative, open information technologies as a tool for supporting Community Learning Centers that provide access to personal learning that is team-supported and connected with others around the world. This approach solves three critical challenges in education, especially in low-resource settings: lack of good learning resources, lack of effective teachers, and isolation––lack of ways to enrich learning by connecting globally. Planet Learning addresses each of these problems by moving from education to active, learner-driven, team-supported and connected learning that enables all learners to experience power, meaning and connection in their lives.


System Engineer Intern

June 2019 - October 2019 Cambridge, MA
“The possibilities on learning on GitHub, Raspberry Pi 4 and the flexibility”
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