I adored my time as the Government / Political Science Intern. In this role, I wore many hats to support the varied work that the Office of Government and Community Engagement engages in. My tasks ranged from research projects pertaining to federal policy and community stakeholders, to drafting materials needed to support events, doing event management and advance work for events with visiting politicians, and various community engagement projects. In this role, I had the opportunity to support and build CU Boulder’s brand, grow local and regional partnerships, and engage in coalitions with key stakeholders, including community partners with minoritized identities. This internship is what you make of it, and I was lucky to work with a team that was as dedicated to my personal and professional growth as I am. The work this office does is incredibly rewarding to be part of. I feel very grateful for the opportunities that this position has brought into my life.
What I wish was different
In many ways, this was my dream internship position as it perfectly merged my passions of government policy and community engagement. There is genuinely nothing I would change about my experience with this office. I do wish that I could stay on board with the team longer and be able to put more hours into this internship.
Be a self-starter and take advantage of the opportunities you can create with this internship! The scope of who this office works with is far reaching. Seize the opportunities that present themselves at events and in other community engagement projects to connect with stakeholders and community members. Relationship building is everything in this work, and the relationships I was able to foster as a result not only made the work more rewarding, but also was beneficial to my professional development.
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Climate Research Assistant
March 2023 • Boulder, CO
What I liked
I had the best experience working with the Office of Government and Community Engagement (OGCE). In my role, I had the opportunity to collaborate with campus leadership in OGCE and the Infrastructure & Sustainability (I&S) department to research funding opportunities for campus sustainability projects. This position helped me deepen my knowledge of key federal and state climate policies while learning about campus sustainability initiatives. I gained experience conducting research, writing grants, and managing independent projects. I also got to meet and collaborate with different stakeholders across campus. I'm so grateful for the mentorship and support that I have gotten from the entire team. I highly recommend working with OGCE.
What I wish was different
This was a new role when I started, which meant that there was a learning curve as we established the position. However, navigating this improved my adaptability and problem solving skills. Looking ahead, I anticipate that there will be more guidance as the role is now established.
Get to know as many people as you can - it's one of the most rewarding parts of the job!