NXP Semiconductors

Finance Rotational

August 2024 • Austin, TX

What I liked

The people are very nice and smart! They truly want the best for you and want to help you grow and succeed. The culture is amazing and the work is very interesting.

What I wish was different


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Equipment Engineer Intern

May 2024 • Austin, TX

What I liked

One of my favorite aspects of working at NXP has been the open and welcoming nature of everyone here. Whether during work hours or at after-work events, people are always willing to help, and if they can't assist directly, they will guide you to someone who can. Additionally, learning about the overall semiconductor manufacturing process has been incredibly valuable, providing a comprehensive understanding of each step and the various procedures involved.

What I wish was different


Don’t hesitate to ask questions or reach out to colleagues. The more engaged you are, the more you will learn and grow. Embrace every opportunity to understand the processes and immerse yourself in the collaborative culture, as it will significantly enhance your learning experience and professional development.
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Technical intern

May - August 2023 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Excellent mentorship, engineers here is highly expertised, work schedule is rather flexible, many fun events

What I wish was different

Wish the internship can start earlier like mid May.


Don’t hesitate to ask questions, if you have a doubt on something, speak up and clarify your thoughts. Speak to different people when you have a chance.
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May - August 2023 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I feel very welcomed and valuable here. People are super nice and helpful. The HR team did a great job in orientation and student engagement.

What I wish was different


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Facilities Project Management Intern

May - August 2022 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Lunch and learn sessions, meeting new and like-minded people, overview training sessions at ATMC site on the wafer manufacturing process (most liked), facilities tour on both OH and ATMC sites, relocation benefits, NXP swag on intern day (again most liked) work hour flexibility, on-site activity centers, Q2 goal celebration success party at ATMC site, intern talent show event, on-line skill development course from Percipio, permission to take up to five sick leaves.

What I wish was different

People get very busy with their own work, which made me less occupied many times during this internship. I still spared that time by meeting people and asking questions, learning from them as much as I can by soaking up all in. I would like future supervisors and managers to spend some extra time evaluating performance and give regular feedback (maybe bi-weekly or once a month) to help progress during the internship and avoid making mistakes going forward.


I would like to say that this was one of my best experiences working as an intern in my whole life. I had several internships in the past, but this was by far the most challenging, rewarding, and tremendous learning experience. I liked the work culture a lot, people were very helpful and supportive in making decisions. I would say that definitely it is a great place to work at and a fantastic company to work for.
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Facilities Management Intern

May 2022 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I really enjoyed the Lunch and learn sessions, they were super informative. We ran through certain topics like R&D, DEI, Wireless connectivity, etc. discussed by the NXP leaders. I also got a great opportunity to meet like-minded people through overview training sessions and community service events. We had several workshops at the ATMC site on the wafer manufacturing process (most liked), and a facilities tour on both OH and ATMC sites which gave me detailed insights about NXP's facilities and work culture. I also liked that I got relocation benefits, NXP swag on the intern day (again most liked), work hour flexibility, on-site activity center to stay fit. I thoroughly enjoyed the Q2 goal celebration success party at the ATMC site, the intern talent show event, and online skill development courses through the NXP library. I honed my skills learned at school and was able to relate it at work.

What I wish was different

People are very busy with their work, so at times it becomes a bit difficult to organize meetings. I wish there was more collaboration with interns when possible.


Ask QUESTIONS! This internship is a great learning experience if you ask a lot of thoughtful questions to people at NXP. Some employees have worked here for years which is why they are no less than experts in their domain. Get the most out of them and write them down in your notes. It will definitely help in the longer run. Communication is the KEY. Make sure your ideas are communicated and shared at a right time with team members. In theory, we learn all these, but it is applied actually at work. So keep those things in mind. And don't forget to enjoy your time at NXP! I had fun collaborating with my team members and other interns!
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Technical Project Management Intern

May - August 2022 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I really enjoyed my internship with NXP. There was a great balance of working on my intern project, attending intern events, attending seminars and other learning/ networking opportunities. Everyone I talked to at NXP wanted to help me succeed and show me why NXP is a great place to work at. I enjoyed working in the office 3 days/week and working from home 2 days/week.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to have more intern social events to foster relationships with other interns. There were interns with a wide variety of backgrounds and it was a great opportunity to talk with the other interns who had different backgrounds.


I would learn as much as you can about the semiconductor industry. Know how a chip is made. Be open to learning about other organizations at NXP, not just the one you are interning for.
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Software Test Engineer Intern

June - August 2020 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

Working at NXP as an intern was very enjoyable for many reasons. First off NXP takes on a massive intern class every summer and has a full itinerary of events that enables interns to get to know one another. Even when we went remote we still did this, which was very important. It's hard when working at such a big company to know your role as a remote intern, so being able to connect with the other students was reassuring. In terms of engineering, NXP has some of the top engineers and developers all over the world. Working through tasks with them was a great learning experience.

What I wish was different

I wish we got to do it in person, of course. Given my internship was in "the summer of Covid," this was not possible.


I would definitely not be afraid to ask questions. Especially when working with software and data. You will be working with parts per billion at times in databases you are expected to learn quickly. Everyone is willing to help if they know you need it. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
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Application Engineer Intern

May - August 2020 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I worked in the automotive application engineering team last summer and I really enjoyed it because the team(especially my manager and mentor) is really knowledgeable, helpful, and friendly. I had the opportunity to learn about the real-life applications of different NXP microprocessors. I also got a chance to apply what I learn to an impactful project. I want to add that the HR team had been putting a lot of effort to enhance the intern experience. I understand that the whole covid situation makes holding different intern events difficult, but HR tried their best to organize different activities(online cinema, weekly coffee chat, talent show...) to keep the online intern experience engaging and fun. Overall, I would say it is a very enjoyable internship.

What I wish was different

I really hope that the COVID didn't last as long so that I have the chance to work in the office.


Interning at NXP is definitely a wonderful opportunity to develop technical skills in a particular area, but it is also very important to learn about the company culture and the "big picture" of the semiconductor industry. Don't be afraid of learning different functional areas(because NXP is a huge company!) so that you can find out what you might enjoy the most doing when you graduate.
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Process and Equipment Engineer

June - August 2020 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I liked the supportive and engaging work environment NXP provided despite the pandemic. My mentors were very patient and helped me understand my work and projects, and allowed me to complete multiple projects.

What I wish was different


Talk to people and learn as much as possible!
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Student Technical intern

May - August 2020 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

In challenging times of COVID-19, the way NXP handled onboarding and induction in the team was impressive. The goals were defined from day 1. The working culture is really good. The manager was easily approachable. Teammates were also ready to help.

What I wish was different

Although they provided a virtual FAB tour, I would have liked in person FAB tour


NXP is a really great company to work for.
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Finance BI Intern

May - August 2020 • Austin, TX

What I liked

My favorite part of NXP was probably the people and the culture. Not only was my team welcoming and great to work with, other employees were polite and responsive when I reached out to network. The people treated me as another employee, not just an intern.

What I wish was different

I wished I could have experienced the internship in person, since it was moved completely virtually due to COVID-19. I was also the only intern in Finance (and Finance BI), so it would have been nice to be able to collaborate with other interns on projects.


I would suggest taking advantage of the resources and your status as an intern. There are a lot of tools available for you to learn extra (technology) skills online, so it would be great as a resume builder. As for being an intern, you can freely reach out to almost anyone and they would gladly have a coffee chat with you (both formal and informal).
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Facilities Engineering Intern

May - August 2020 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

The work environment and co-workers were always very welcoming. I liked that I was assigned a technical mentor and a social mentor to help me adapt to the professional work environment. It was very fulfilling to see how my work will directly impact the company. I also really appreciate that the HR team planned fun social events, so that the interns had opportunities to network with each other.

What I wish was different

Being able to interact more with people outside of the department.


Come with an open mind and don't be afraid to ask questions - communication is key. This internship will help polish up your presenting skills; you will be presenting many times, whether is it formal or informal.
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Design Intern

May - August 2020 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I had a mentor that guided me through my projects and helped me get introduced into the industry. There was so much flexibility as to how I could implement my work, and the whole experience was very much tailored to my needs.

What I wish was different

It was unfortunate that I worked remotely. I would have loved to work in the office and meet my peers in person.


Don't worry if there's an overload of information and tasks at the beginning of your working period. There are always people to help whenever you need it.
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Student Technical Intern

May - August 2020 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

I greatly appreciated the work environment and attitude of the company. While NXP employees are still responsible for helping the company bring a develop a product and bring it to market, there is no pressure to burn yourself out in order to do so. My coworkers were incredibly friendly and helpful, and welcomed any and all questions I had. I really enjoyed the projects I was initially assigned, and I was also encouraged to pursue additional projects and gave me freedom to help solve problems where I saw them, even if they weren't explicitly outlined for me. NXP had virtual "Lunch and Learns" for interns across their multiple sites to teach them about the company values and increase awareness of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. As an intern, I felt the recruiters consistently went above and beyond to help us build connections with one another and plan social events for us to offset the work week. In light of the restrictions regarding on-site work due to COVID-19, NXP went above and beyond to provide technological tools for all interns that worked remote part- or full-time.

What I wish was different

Truthfully, my only wish was that COVID-19 hadn't caused so many restrictions to the internship. Working for NXP in their ECHO fab was an incredibly positive experience.


For those who aren't savvy with the semiconductor industry, learn as much as you can about the industry so that more of what you learn about the industry sticks. Also, if you have any doubt about anything, ask questions! People at NXP are always more than happy to answer them.
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Computer Science Intern

June - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Had fun intern events and employees were always willing to answer questions.

What I wish was different

Had at least a couple of days set for break rather than sick days


While at the company go around to people that you think have an interesting job and ask them what they do and how. They will be happy to teach you what they know. This also goes if you have a question or need help during your internship.
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Process Engineer

May - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Flexible work duties, autonomy at work, culture

What I wish was different

Very stressful manufacturing environment


It was really awesome! NXP is a great company to work for
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May - August 2019 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

Working on a team was amazing.

What I wish was different

I wish I had learned more.


Be prepared for the private aector. Certain companies will not share your values.
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Technical Intern

June - August 2018 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Very engaging experience catered to allow interns to understand the semiconductor business and the different roles within the company. The internship project was challenging and provided the perfect amount of work to be a fulfilling and growing experience.

What I wish was different

More interaction with senior developers.


Don't be afraid to just jump in. Spend the first bit learning everything you can and making an appropriate plan of action that will guide you for the rest of your project.
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Systems and applications Engineering internship

May - August 2018 • Austin, TX

What I liked

I enjoyed the intern culture at the company, and the work they had me do had a real impact on the company and mattered.

What I wish was different

I wish the company would've organized housing for the interns as well. And I wish I would've talked to more interns outside of my department.


Don't limit yourself to the certain department you are working within. Feel free to venture out and explore other departments within the company and learn new things. Most engineers are friendly and willing to share their knowledge with you.
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