NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program @ Purdue University Northwest
Research intern
May - July 2018 • Charlotte, NC
What I liked
What I wish was different
Nothing, it was an amazing opportunity
Really absorb any information you can from your mentors. They’re amazing
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June - July 2019 • Daytona Beach, FL
What I liked
What I wish was different
I wish my research pertained more to my career goals or was more intricate. I still had a great experience
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Data analysis
June - August 2019 • Santa Cruz, CA
What I liked
Networking, meeting new people in my department and from other schools; improving upon my programming skills and learning new techniques
What I wish was different
Maybe having more to prepare with before the research itself started (maybe examples of codes, programming tutorials)
Don't be afraid to reach out to your professors because they might reach out to their colleagues with opportunities you might find interesting
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Research fellow
May - July 2018 • Sioux Center, IA
What I liked
Good pay, lots of freedom in research topic, paid trip to Ukraine.
What I wish was different
More supervision/ mentorship
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