Northern Kentucky University

Athletics Videographer

January - May 2024 • Highland Heights, KY

What I liked

I really enjoyed all of the opportunities that this Co-Op presented. I took on a lot of new projects that I honestly never saw myself doing when I first decided to do this. I really enjoyed the overall mentorship from both Matt Schafer and Seth Cooper. They have truly helped me grow within my profession and as a person and I am extremely grateful for the trust and faith that they have had in me over the course of this semester and my time in athletics.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish was different is that I would've started sooner.


My main piece of advice about this experience is to dive in head first. Embrace the grind. Athletics is a beast. There is always something happening and some sort of content that can be produced. I would also recommend trying to find new ways of being creative because sometimes it can be very repetitive. Above that be willing to fail. Failure truly is the best teacher!
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Desk Manager

September 2019 • Highland Heights, KY

What I liked

I liked being able to have 4 day weekends!

What I wish was different

I wish is was less demanding! I wish I was not on-call!


It is very time consuming and can be stressful at times. Be sure to be on top of your time management!
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Undergraduate Researcher

May - August 2022 • Highland Heights, KY

What I liked

During this project, I had the opportunity to earn valuable skills in the lab environment. I learned how to culture cells, perform ATP assay, and use and maintain lab instruments. More importantly, I learn how to troubleshoot experiments, think like a scientist, and plan and organize experiments. Though my result is negative, things that I learned from the experience would be very helpful for my future career path.

What I wish was different

I should have worked more on figuring out reasons why my results were not highly reproducible. I should have made more modifications to the methods and tested how they work.


Doing research is interesting but not easy. Most of the time, we can encounter countless challenges and it is important to be patient and passionate about what we are doing.
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Student Accountant

June 2022 • Highland Heights, KY

What I liked

I like the type of work I do and how it will relate to my future career and major. I also like the people I work with.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more work to keep me busy, some days there wasn't much to do.


I advise to get an internship while in college or sooner, because it will help you in your future.
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Desktop Support Specialist

October 2020 • Newport, KY

What I liked

Very laid back atmosphere. But also challenging daily with new tasks.

What I wish was different

I like how it was, no major complains


This job will teach you how to do everything so be prepared to learn
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Student Researcher

May - August 2020 • Highland Heights, KY

What I liked

I enjoyed the aspect of working with my professor in a serious setting, and of gaining experience in searching for and compiling information from scholarly sources within my field.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to work on research that involved a bit more experimentation; the work that I did mainly involved reading multiple research articles and compiling various pieces of evidence/information as opposed to conducting tests/studies.


To stay on top of the work being delegated to you, otherwise it is easy for the process to drag on as it is a hassle to try and get research work published even when you have everything together.
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