What I liked
The internship was very dynamic, which I think was one of my favorite aspects. Ultimately, I pursued and reinforced my passion in marine mammals. I had the opportunities to work in a cubicle space reviewing hundreds of whale entanglement reports, in which I learned much about whale species off the California coast and its people involved in the issue. I attended and participated in many meetings, in which I connected with many different people from different organizations and points of life surrounding this hot topic. I joined a research cruise on Monterey Bay on a benthic survey study, which was a different great exposure with more people. I am finishing a webpage for MBNMS (Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary) now. Another memorable day involved a quick call to the beach to analyze a stranded deceased sea turtle and assist its necropsy. One of my final days was fantastic in that I joined my advisor to watch over live green sea turtles in a local river system, and hear from his personal discoveries of this special population.