Newell Brands

Corporate Quality Engineer Intern

May - August 2022 • Huntersville, NC

What I liked

I liked the team I worked with and the willingness they had to help me. I felt like the projects I worked on will have an impact on the company. I was given the resources to complete my project within the duration of my time there. In addition, they allowed me to explore areas of interest and talk to people in different departments to better understand how the company works. Also the hybrid work was great, so I could work from home when I wanted to.

What I wish was different

Housing was difficult to find for such a short time. However, we were given a stipend.


During your first few weeks meet everyone you can and understand how they fit into the project you're working on. Don't be afraid to reach out or schedule a meeting with someone even if you just want to learn more about their role.
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Amazon Operations Intern

May - July 2022 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Everyone at the office was very chill, and you could easily go to any person and introduce yourself. They also offered various Employee Resource Groups, through which you could meet other interns and expand your professional network. So, there are many networking opportunities available, which I liked.

What I wish was different

I can't recall anything that should've been different. Everything was good there.


There are many different apartments available within Newell Brands, so always try to apply to the department which you feel comfortable working in. Also, reach out to everyone and let them know if you want to learn a software which is not being used in your project. They'll definitely go out of the way to help you.
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Sales Planning Intern

May - August 2022 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

Ability to work cross-functionally, company culture, personal development, excellent management

What I wish was different

communication with interns from different business units or sections


Definitely do not be afraid to add your personality to your work and do additional research to help the team. Go to as many outside events as you can, and meet as many other interns that you can, and reach out to them often!
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Accounting Intern

June - August 2021 • Norwalk, CT

What I liked

The people were extremely friendly and helpful. I had a mentor who I met with weekly and she helped me figure out where I wanted to go next in my career.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more of a structure to the program, many days I was left to figure out what to do, although having freedom was nice, I was unsure about my deliverable at the end of the summer at first.


Ask as many questions as possible. If you are ever unsure about something, ask as quickly as you can because it is a lot worse to get behind and not know what to do than to feel stupid asking a question (no one will think you are stupid for asking a question).
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Engineering Intern

August 2020 • Shelbyville, TN

What I liked

I like how I am learning the different roles engineers play. Learning of what tools to use and how to use data to determine the outcome of your efficiency. Use other resources to help get what you need.

What I wish was different

For me to step up more and be more interactive with your team.


Participant in anything you can do. Prove yourself worthy to your employer. Show them why they hired you and looking for a full-time position afterwards.
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May 2019 • Kalamazoo, MI

What I liked

Newell is an awesome company, with great people, and a creative environment. I would recommend it to any creative.

What I wish was different


Be ready to learn a lot of names!
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Sales Intern

May - August 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

The opportunity to relocate and the work I did was real life work that was actually used!

What I wish was different



Don't be afraid to leave New York for a little. That's the great part of summer internships is that its such low commitment, if you don't like the area you'll leave soon. But you never know the great people you will meet and experiences you do not even know of yet!
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Boca Raton, FL

What I liked

I liked that they gave me a real project to work on

What I wish was different

That they would have given me more work because I was bored a lot


Ask for me more
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Commercial Finance Intern

May - August 2019 • Boca Raton, FL

What I liked

I really enjoyed my project regarding estimating the price impact on products from the most recent tariff. I had the opportunity to work not only with the finance team but also with other people in the company. Newell did a great job of exposing the interns to many different functions in the company. I learned a lot!

What I wish was different


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Sales Planning

May - August 2019 • Boca Raton, FL

What I liked

I loved my experience at Newell Brands. I was in an intern class of 23 other interns at this location, I made lifelong friends the beautiful area of Boca Raton. I liked how my living was paid for by the company and the way the internship was organized. It was a summer long project and at the end I was able to present my findings to many high level employees. This internship program is ranked top 10 internship programs, so I would highly recommend.

What I wish was different

I do not with anything was different with this process.


I would share that is it okay to be lost. You are going to go into an internship knowing a lot, but also not knowing a lot. Asking questions not only shows you care but that you want to learn and develop as a young professional.
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Channel Marketing Intern

May - August 2018 • Deerfield, MA

What I liked

During the internship, I was fully immersed into the culture of Yankee Candle (Newell Brands). I learned a lot of about working in the corporate environment and my networking skills became more refined. I was able to focus on my work and enjoy the Western MA area.

What I wish was different

I wish I had my own license and car because the area I was in was a blend of rural and suburbs but now I have motivation for wanting a car.


Learn. Learn Learn. Don't be afraid to make mistakes because you will learn eventually.
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Test Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Deerfield, MA

What I liked

I liked being in a new place and all the great people I met. I had ownership over my project and control. The company invested in my success and assigned me a useful project -- not just busywork.

What I wish was different


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Brand Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Deerfield, MA

What I liked

I liked how I was accepted as a part of the team immediately, despite being only an intern. I learned a great amount about corporate structure and was able to gain hands on experience in the marketing world! I also learned a little more about what what I like and don't like about business and where I can see myself going in the future.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more independence when it came to completing my final project. I found that most of my experience revolved around assisting my manager and helping my team to complete small projects.


Get to know as many people as possible, because you never know where you might need them down the road. I wish I had taken the time to email people and get lunch with different employees throughout the summer to learn about their roles. I think this would have helped me to understand what types of positions I should be looking for now as a past grad!
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Product Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

Great access to directors and VPs.

What I wish was different


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Marketing Intern

May - August 2018 • South Deerfield, MA

What I liked

Working with Newell Brands was a wonderful opportunity to work hands-on with a consumer goods brand. I was able to lead my own 12-week project that was presented to a board of directors and the Vice President of Brand Development. I also got the chance to work on exciting projects on the side, such as preparing product line reviews, working with the design team, and more. I learned more about the inner-workings of the Brand Development division and made good connections with the Brand team and my assigned Brand Manager and mentor.

What I wish was different

I wish I had the chance to work more closely with the other interns.


My advice is to get out of your comfort zone, bring a positive attitude, and be willing to learn as much as possible. This is hands-on experience that you can get a lot out of if you take chances to speak up, introduce yourself to others, and offer to get involved in various projects.
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Marketing Research Intern

May - August 2018 • Huntersville, NC

What I liked

I liked the work and office culture.

What I wish was different

I wish that the company didn't fall apart around me.


Don't go to Newell, too unstable right now.
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May - September 2018 • Maryville, TN

What I liked

The people who work there

What I wish was different

Different shifts


Prepare to sweat as it gets extremely hot
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Design Engineer

June - September 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Personalized team and unique experience.

What I wish was different


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Brand Marketing Intern

May - August 2017 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I was treated like a real team member and had a meaningful project that my team could use for future projects. The company culture is fantastic and the HR team worked very hard to make it a fun program for all the interns.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to work on my project, because 12 weeks goes by very quickly.


Don’t be afraid to reach out to team members and people above you because they are all very approachable.
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