New College of Florida

About New College of Florida

Year after year, New College faculty and students garner top prizes and awards. Our student-centered academic mission consistently attracts the attention of the most prestigious ranking organizations. Our alumnae/i earn distinctions in the workplace, contribute to scientific advancement and make contributions to public service and global change.


Research Fellow

May 2021 - August 2021 Sarasota, FL
“I loved the experience of participating in my fellowship because I got to pursue my thesis research head on and was paid to do so. ”

Summer Research Assistant

June 2021 - August 2021 Sarasota, FL
“Working with my thesis advisor full-time over the summer, I gained valuable skills and knowledge about both the field in general and my specific thesis research topic. This summer experience greatly propelled my thesis work the following semester and helped me to solidify my post-graduation intentions for graduate school, where similar lab work is routine. ”
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