Naval Nuclear Laboratory

Technical Intern

May - August 2023 • Niskayuna, NY

What I liked

I had a great project that kept me occupied for most of the time. I had a direct impact on my team and I know that my work was important towards my team's work. I had a very supportive mentor and manager. I got to learn a ton about the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program through a plethora of site and laboratory tours and supplementary learning opportunities.

What I wish was different

My internship was a desk job - I performed analyses sitting at a desk every day. I would've liked to have been up on my feet, interacting in a more hands-on way with products at times. The routine of sitting at my desk every day got slightly tiring.


Make as many connections with employees as possible in order to learn about other departments and locations within NNL. Set up skype meetings with managers of groups that you may be interested in order to learn about other types of engineering, and to see if there is another group that you might like working in.
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Site Solutions Engineering Intern

May - August 2021 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

I had the chance to be exposed to some very cool aspects of the Navy's nuclear program and program history which was fascinating.

What I wish was different

The bureaucratic nature of the job made the usually menial intern tasks exponentially more frustrating.


Whether you like an internship or not, there is a lot of value in each and everyone even if it is finding out more about what you don't like.
1 One person found this helpful

Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - September 2021 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Patience of supervisor, competitive intern pay, experience

What I wish was different

More projects to work on


The government lacks accountability and drive
6 ${count} people found this helpful

Technical intern

May - August 2017 • Idaho Falls, ID

What I liked

Good work life balance working a 9/80 schedule. Good technical work.

What I wish was different


Grow your network here as to find a good place to be long term.
2 ${count} people found this helpful

Technical Intern

March - August 2018 • Schenectady, NY

What I liked

The company has an amazing culture and I felt very connected to the mission.

What I wish was different

More exposure to other parts of the lab set up through the company as opposed to personal connections.


Everyone there is willing to help and give you lasting connections, so take advantage and soak up the knowledge.
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