National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Project Manager Intern

June - August 2019 • Springfield, VA

What I liked

I loved the work culture, especially for it being a government work place. The people are very helpful and i learned a lot about the workforce and life after school.

What I wish was different

I wish I did a little work related to my degree, I believe more work related to Management of Information System more so than Computer Science.


A great place to learn and grow, personally and educationally.
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Data Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • Springfield, VA

What I liked

Great people, and a tangible impact you can make. The experience also gives you great insight to working for the government and the intelligence community.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have gotten more freedom. Government is also super slow (getting projects, licenses, etc) which make it frustrating if you're only there for 2-3 months.


Be prepared to not make an immediate impact.
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Requirements and Integration Analyst

May - July 2019 • Springfield, VA

What I liked

I loved the community culture: my office challenged me and was very supportive.

What I wish was different

I wish I had worked on a project with another coworker instead of focusing only on my individual project.


Speak up! Whether to ask questions, request more/less/different work, or to say hi to coworkers, it's important to grow your confidence.
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Budget Analyst Intern

May 2018 - August 2019 • Springfield, VA

What I liked

The people were amazing and the overall hands on experience

What I wish was different

Wish there would have been more learning opportunities for interns


Don’t be as stressed and nervous as you think you would be going into it
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Geodetic Scientist Intern

May - August 2019 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

The sciences offices of NGA do very relevant and interesting work, and I loved the physics project they gave me. Working in the intelligence community was also eye-opening.

What I wish was different

The pay was not great, and there is no additional stipend for housing etc.


The STEM offices of NGA do work that is more rewarding in the long term. I would not recommend being an imagery analyst. This job requires a TS SCI security clearance because it is in the intelligence community. It takes a while to get and requires an in person polygraph in DC or St Louis.
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Contract Specialist Intern

June - August 2019 • Springfield, VA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be willing to network with professionals and other interns that might not be in your department. There is a wealth of knowledge, and you may be exposed to an area that you never considered before.
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Geospatial Analyst

June - September 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

They had a very well developed internship program that enabled me to learn about different parts of the Agency.

What I wish was different


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Financial analyst

June 2017 - January 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

I liked the networking opportunity of the internship. It is the most important part to build a career

What I wish was different


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Project Management Intern

June 2017 • Springfield, VA

What I liked

Learning many skills and Internship was challenging.

What I wish was different

Would love to tour more government agencies


Always take opportunity of the resources GMU offers
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Human Geography Analysis Intern

May - August 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

I felt that the work I did aligned very well with my educational background and skills. Further, I felt valued as a member of my team. I was able to complete a substantial project and present it at the Intelligence Community Intern Project Showcase.

What I wish was different


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Source Analyst

May 2018 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

In my major, mobility, big company feel and very mission driven.

What I wish was different

My project was very self-initiated, I also wish I could do more GIS work and less database management.


Apply for Intelligence jobs early because of background checks.
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Imagery Scientist

May - August 2017 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

NGA doesn't waste their interns, by tasking them purposeful and important work, you feel as though you were actually contributing to the mission. Everyone that I met there was friendly and welcoming, current employees see the value of the intern program and want to see them excel.

What I wish was different

Known more beforehand about the work that I was going to do.


Be open to everything. You may not be tasked work that you would normally expect, but as long as you put the time in and want to learn, there are opportunities for you.
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