National Air and Space Museum

Social Media Assistant

May - August 2017 • Washington, DC

What I liked

The Air and Space Museum is an incredible place with amazing people. I learned a lot while I was there and I'll never forget the experience I had. For anyone in a STEM related field, I'd totally recommend this internship! However, for anyone in any kind of creative field, I would not recommend this. My supervisor was overwhelmed and not focused on helping me grow or learn. Many of the interns I worked near had a similar experience. Within a month, I was very frustrated and bored working by myself on pointless tasks. I believe so strongly in what the Air and Space Museum stands for and what it does, but it would take a lot for me to ever consider working there again.

What I wish was different

I wish I'd started talking to the other interns and staff sooner.


Ask questions! Make sure you know what your internship is and what you'll be doing so you can take full advantage of it
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