The Narragansett Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency comprised of 57 members, which includes 41 sworn officers and 17 civilian personnel (including part-time employees) that covers a total area of 37.8 miles and services approximately 16,000 citizens. Unlike most other towns in Rhode Island, Narragansett experiences large population fluctuations depending on the time of year.
The police department is composed of a Patrol Division, Detective Division, Prosecution Division, and the Administrative Division.
The mission of the Narragansett, Rhode Island Police Department is to enforce the laws and ordinances of the state and town with a commitment to core values of honesty, integrity, dignity, and excellence.
The Police Department also strives to promote a feeling of safety and security for all members of our community. We strive to be known as true partners and stakeholders in our desire to make Narragansett a vibrant town supporting families, culture, tourism, academics, the arts, and our environment.