Our Solution:
Easily share radio, voice, video & data for cross-agency collaboration. Connect with partner agencies in real time with Mutualink’s interoperability system to quickly resolve incidents.
Public safety agencies and critical infrastructure organizations need radio interoperability. Our solution goes beyond basic radio interoperability to provide LMR to LMR, LMR to LTE, real-time video sharing, geospatial information and data sharing capabilities.
All of this is possible through our powerful capability and network called the Interoperable Response and Preparedness Platform (IRAPP). This network is the largest nationwide network of public safety agencies, critical infrastructure, schools and private enterprise security. The IRAPP is transport agnostic, device agnostic and media agnostic. It leverages your current communications assets and incorporates new devices as needed. Connect to the IRAPP network via public or private LTE, satellite or terrestrial broadband.