Motor City Electric Co.

About Motor City Electric Co.

Motor City Electric Co. is an ESOP (employee owned) company established in the state of Michigan in 1952. MCE continues to find success in advanced technologies, while constantly expanding the scope of our capabilities. Motor City Electric Co.’s broad service base encompasses a wide range of industries served by our various specialized divisions. Each division is committed to the MCE standards of excellence in performance and service that its customers have come to expect. MCE’s operations have grown to serve a wide audience of customers and their electrical needs from basic electrical wiring to comprehensive design/build, design/assist, and pre-construction management.


Utilities Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Detroit, MI
“I was able to get on the job experience about the contracting side of construction and engineering. I worked primarily with the substation group. Even if I don't go back to MCE, I would like to stay in contracting.”
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