Moss Point School District

Anybody willing to describe what it can be like to take on a special education teacher role in the Moss Point School District?

It depends on your position. Most of the positions though are for inclusion teachers. This is where you're expected to work with the general education teachers/classrooms where your Sped students are located. This can be overwhelming because the students tend to be sprinkled out into several diff...
Day in the Life Education Teacher Special Education Moss Point School District
1 answer

Skills most important for someone who wants to succeed as a special education teacher in the Moss Point School District?

*Good people/interpersonal skills - do what you were taught in class. Don't gossip, stay and talk positive. Find a teacher friend or two that you can trust to bounce off a hard day.*Organizational skills*Creative/interactive activity skills - Keep students engaged with hands on activities - I fou...
Skillset Education Teacher Special Education Moss Point School District
1 answer