What I liked
Overall my experience with the county has been great. I gained lots of knowledge from hands on work and working out in the field, boots on the ground type of work. I was apart of the surveying team. The team was made up of two other guys. They were great to work with and were very knowledgeable. They made learning come easy with all of their skill and expertise in the line of work. I got a taste of both working in the office and working outside. For example, I learned a lot about AutoCAD Civil 3D. I learned how to import topo surveys that we had gathered from the prior day in the field. I also learned how to draw up property lines while referring back to old deeds and tax maps. I learned how to use the data collector they had and got to do work with the station set up in the field. For example, one job required us to produce a survey for this piece of land that contained a bridge that was soon to be replaced. I learned that there is much more to it than just a simple surveying of points. You have to understand and build a survey while incorporating many aspects. Another time we had to establish property lines due to a dispute, so I learned that you need to present yourself in a certain way in order to work with and gain the trust of land owners. There is much much more that I learned during this internship, but in the end it has been a valuable experience full of learning and enjoyment.