Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement

About Montana Campus Network for Civic Engagement

Montana Campus Compact (MTCC) advances the public purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. Our organization is one of 35 State Affiliates of Campus Compact, a national coalition of more than 1,100 colleges and universities representing over 6 million students dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service-learning in higher education. MTCC also acts as an intermediary to place AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps VISTA members across the state of Montana.


Recruitment Specialist

May 2019 - August 2019 Missoula, MT
“I liked being able to be a part of national service opportunities by recruiting awesome people for VISTA and AmeriCorps even though I am not at a point in my life to do a year of national service. ”
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