Miller's Merry Manor


June 2018 • Hartford City, IN

What I liked

The people I worked with were all super caring and helpful in my adjustment back during the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish that they didn't have the mandations when someone calls off.


Be ready to work a double every once in a while., but it isn't as bad as it sounds
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June 2016 • Warsaw, IN

What I liked

I enjoy taking care of my residents and bonding with them and the care team among the nurses and aides. I really believe our residents receive quality care here at miller's and it thrills me to see their quality of life stay as good as it can be even when the residents aren't home

What I wish was different

I wish I got paid more, honestly. It's a very strenuous job that requires a lot from a person and I spend a lot of time at work and despite that I still struggle to support myself


Make sure you love what you do and walk into a job fully educated about what to expect. Take time to inwardly reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and perceptions and how these things are going to help and hinder you at your job. If you walk into an aiding job knowing you're impatient and looking for an easy paycheck, you wont be at that job very long. Being an aid is difficult but the appreciation from your residents at the end of a hard day makes it all worth it
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Student medical assistant

June - October 2018 • Warsaw, IN

What I liked

I enjoyed the opportunity to further my education within the company and to attain a leadership position. I enjoyed that I can practice more of what I love in nursing while I'm waiting to get my RN license

What I wish was different

I don't wish anything had been different. The opportunity opened up in the summer when I was most available and I was able to study and fulfill the requirements easily due to the schedule. I was able to test and get my QMA license quickly after I had taken the work final.


Be willing to work hard for what you want. Being a QMA isn't exactly an easy job and the educational requirements can be tremendously difficult if you don't keep up
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