Millennium Space Systems, A Boeing Company

Systems Engineering Intern

May - December 2019 • El Segundo, CA

What I liked

The culture of Millennium Space Systems is amazing - they have an open floor plan that encourages engagement from everyone and constant communication rather than a bunch of individuals at their desks. Meetings are only used to share information, instead work is productively pushed forward in an agile manner. The culture is amazing and truly makes this an aerospace company for the 21st century.

What I wish was different

Early on in my internship, I was extremely nervous and constantly afraid of messing up. Anything I did made me feel awkward and improper - like I didn't belong. As the weeks went by, I loosened up and relaxed and the experience turned into an amazing one that has encouraged me to accept a full time offer there in Fall of 2020.


This sort of has two parts, sorry. One - do the work that you are assigned. Sometimes work is boring (I had a lot of reading when I started to catch up on projects) and sometimes it is extremely fun and feels like its what you really want to do. But its just like school - not every assignment or day will be fun or interesting, it's life and will continue to be that way. Make the most of each one; which leads in to two. Two - don't just do your own work. Strive to learn about the work everyone around you is doing. Often times in companies, the #1 problem is single point failures - only one person knows vital information to move a project forward, and yet that person is unavailable. If you can become a resource, that knows the information someone else knows, suddenly your worth and value that you add to the company increases exponentially. Become a resource, not just in the work that you do, but in the knowledge of the full program and system you are on. Knowledge is always important.
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Electrical Power Systems Intern

June - August 2018 • El Segundo, CA

What I liked

Good mentoring, non-trivial tasking, free ice cream, more female engineers than average, etc.

What I wish was different


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