The Michigan Immigrant Rights Center (MIRC) is a resource center for advocates seeking equal justice for Michigan's immigrants. MIRC works to build a thriving Michigan where immigrant communities are fully integrated and respected. In order to realize this mission the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center builds capacity through education and training about immigration law and the complex relationship between immigration status and immigrants' rights in areas including access to public benefits, family law and child welfare, civil rights, and worker's rights; answers questions and provides technical support to attorneys and advocates serving low-income immigrants; recruits, trains, and mentors volunteer pro bono attorneys; leads systematic advocacy to advance the rights of low-income immigrants and their families; tracks and analyzes legislative and legal developments related to immigration law and immigrants' rights; builds coalition among immigrant advocacy and other social justice and civil rights organizations statewide; represents individual clients in priority areas including naturalization and citizenship matters and the rights of survivors of domestic violence, refugees, and unaccompanied minors; promotes respect and understanding among immigrants and receiving communities through our Welcoming Michigan initiative; and represents clients in impact cases involving violations of civil rights by law enforcement or government entities, access to public benefits for immigrants and children of immigrants, the unauthorized practice of immigration law, and any other civil legal issue relating to immigration status.