Mercy Medical Center -Cedar Rapids, IA

What's it like working as a Student Pharmacist at Mercy Medical Center -Cedar Rapids, IA?

P1s and P2s have general technician shifts that run 8 hours long. You'll fill prescriptions as soon as the prescription label prints and you'll fill and deliver orders for the automation cabinets on each floor. If you'd like, request to become trained in the IV room. Sterile compounding is fun (I...
Day in the Life Student Pharmacist
1 answer

How did being a Pharmacy major prepare you for your job as a Student Pharmacist at Mercy Medical Center -Cedar Rapids, IA?

What you are learning in the PharmD curriculum is really fun to see "in action" at Mercy CR. You find yourself thinking "Oh yeah, I remember learning about that" a lot. It really solidifies your learning and helps with retaining information. When you're more familiar with medications, you underst...
College Major Student Pharmacy Pharmacist
1 answer