Marcum LLP

Assurance Intern

July - August 2020 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I enjoyed the opportunity to meet and network with so many people. I also liked the numerous opportunities I had to apply what I had learned in my classes at Assumption to real-world scenarios. The internship was more than just client work, I really enjoyed the professional development and skills training we had. I am grateful to be able to take so many new skills into my future career in public accounting.

What I wish was different

I wish we could have been in person, but of course, that was beyond my control. However, because the internship program was entirely virtual, all of the interns around the country were on one meeting call together. This gave me the opportunity to meet and network with so many more people than I would have if the internship was in person. I was extremely grateful to meet so many students my age from around the country.


Be flexible. If there is one thing I have learned in 2020 is that things can change at the drop of a hat. Always be open to new situations and don't get down on yourself if things don't work out. The ability to adapt to unforeseen changes is extremely valuable.
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