I liked being able to see a plant environment up close and work with engineers to see what they do on a daily basis.
What I wish was different
Seek out help if you are not provided with it.
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Co-Op II
August 2021 • Clinton, IA
What I liked
I liked how independent the work was. I really felt like an engineer, and was given projects to reflect that.
What I wish was different
If it hadn't been COVID times, there are usually a ton of cool experiences and opportunities for co-ops to be involved in.
I would say be prepared to talk to a lot of people and ask a lot of questions.
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Electrical Engineering Co-op
January - May 2019 • Corpus Christi, TX
What I liked
LyondellBasell does a good job of investing in their interns/co-ops (and as such, Lyondell oftentimes selects their co-ops for full-time offers). During your first term as a co-op, LYB provides you with "Equipment Fundamentals Training" which covers many useful real-world topics and applications that aren't generally covered in the classroom at college (I learned a lot from this!). The people I worked with in Corpus were very helpful and down to earth. I could tell they were thankful to be working where they were, and that left a very positive impression on me.
What I wish was different
If I could've changed anything, I would have worked in one of the plants closer to Houston. Lyondell has a lot of plants in/around the Houston area, so that's where the majority of other co-ops are during a given term. Having other co-ops to go out and do things with always makes a difference, and you never know what kind of friendships might come out of an internship experience like that.
I know many people who are hesitant to take a semester off of school to do a co-op. I was hesitant as well when I received my first co-op offer. Ultimately, though, I decided to go for it (as well as another co-op term!), and I'm glad I did!! Co-op terms are longer than summer internships (4-5 months vs 2-3 months), and those extra 1-2 months make a big difference in terms of what kind of projects you get to work on. This comes in handy when you have job interviews in the future: you will have more to talk about, and the things you will talk about will be more impressive.
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Production Engineering Intern
April - September 2019 • Houston, TX
What I liked
LyondellBasell is very professional and compensates interns very well. They are a fabulous company to work for.
What I wish was different
I honestly cannot think of anything that I wish would have been different. The internship program at LyondellBasell is phenomenal. Even if there are areas of the company outside your role you are more interested in than your particular role, you are encouraged to explore and moving to a different role upon graduation is not uncommon.
Work hard and present well at any production engineering internship. Make connections and learn from the engineers at the site where you intern.