Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)

Development intern

September - December 2021 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I have enjoyed the hands-on experience of learning how to use museum forms and going to the office to do my work. I have also had the opportunity to meet and do Q and A’s with employees in different departments of the museum, broadening my perspective on the possibilities of where I can work post-college.

What I wish was different

If not for Covid, I would have spent more time in the office. However, working from home was also a good experience because you have to motivate yourself to eliminate distractions.


I would advise interns to try to get as much as they can out of their experience by asking questions all of the time, showing up on time and attending as many meetings as possible, walk around the neighborhood and the campus so that you get to know the area, and write down the things that you are doing so that you can state exactly what you have done as a part of your internship and add it to your resume and skill set.
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