Our mission is to promote healthy eating and active living through educational opportunities and community partnerships. This mission is reflected in our programs, classes, and events in the community. Our vision is empowered people making healthy choices.
Formed in 2010, Live Healthy Appalachia (LHA) is an Athens, Ohio-based nonprofit organization which aims to promote health and wellbeing in our Appalachian region. Since our inception, over 7000 individuals in the region have taken part in LHA programs promoting health and wellness. Our programs include Live Healthy Kids (LHK), which serves second grades in Athens, Washington, and Scioto Counties; The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), which is offered in Athens County to adults; professional development opportunities including the Appalachian Health Summit and worksite wellness activities which target professionals in Southeast Ohio; and volunteer-driven community health projects, such as Cooking Coaches, and My First 5K which take place in Athens and Hocking Counties. We have continued to grow with the help of our donors and volunteers that make our mission a reality. Through all these years our purpose still remains the same: to make health accessible for everyone in our region.