Lincoln Park Zoo

Guest Enthusiast

May - August 2023 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Amazing hours, good coworkers, chill environment, bragging rights to friends.

What I wish was different

We had to buy our uniforms and that was upsetting, especially since they were $20 with tax.


It's a good summer job just be prepared to buy a uniform and keep an optimistic mindset, it's very easy to get annoyed and be rude to random guests. You must also be ready to deal with kids wanting to break the rules.
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Research Intern

June 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

Working with the researchers at the Lincoln Park Zoo was an incredibly rewarding experience. We got to do urban ecological fieldwork and learn methods hands-on while getting to conduct our own research under their guidance. The researchers facilitated a welcoming and supportive environment.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had taken advantage of shadowing other staff at the zoo, such as the animal enrichment folks.


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Events Intern

June - August 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

It was the perfect opportunity for me to learn more about what all is out there in the event planning industry. Many people don't think of zoos when it comes to an event career, but anywhere there are events, there's someone needed to plan them. I liked that I got to help with so many things, including getting the experience of going to all kinds of meeting between departments. Of course, I love animals, so being able to come to the zoo every day was great, too.

What I wish was different

I had a 2 week study abroad experience in between my time here, and they were really flexible about working around that. However, because of this I do wish I had been able to be there longer.


If you haven't considered a non-profit or a workplace like a zoo, it's perfect in helping you learn more about what's out there. The people I worked with were really knowledgeable too, so if you need help figuring out where you want your career to take you, they have experience they can share with you.
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Membership Sales Associate

July 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I liked being able to interact with people and see my direct contribution to the Zoo. I always felt good about my work and was highly motivated to do a good job.

What I wish was different


Being able to handle all types of people and to quickly think on your feet is key
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Summer Educator

May - August 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I was able to teach kids about conservation and biology and open their eyes to the world of science.

What I wish was different

It was very far from my house, making comuting very hard.


It was wonderful if you are flexible and patient
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June 2017 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

the atmosphere is nice and my coworkers and managers are friendly.

What I wish was different

i wish my hours hadn't been cut mid-summer


get a second job if you work here because the hours are limited
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Photography/Videography Intern

June - September 2017 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I liked being able to see my photography skills grow and my work being published for a wide audience. All the shoots I did were always fun and exciting. I also loved getting to know the staff around the entire zoo and learning about how we all contribute to provide a great place for Chicagoans and over visitors to come to.

What I wish was different

Everything was great!


Try to learn as much as you can. It's good to learn about how everyone contributes and what they do as well because you are all working together. Also take advantage of the time that you are there, it's unfortunate that such great opportunities are temporary.
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Animal Care Intern

June - December 2016 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The day-to-day tasks were very active and engaging. The staff at LPZ was very welcoming and respectful from day one.

What I wish was different

The work itself was slightly disorganized, leading to some confusion about certain tasks. I would have appreciated a better plan for daily or weekly goals to help me perform well.


Don't be afraid to ask your supervisors questions. Everyone is very nice and wants you to succeed, so don't feel like you have to know everything off the bat. Ask questions and make sure you fully understand your assignments before beginning.
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Graphic Design Intern

June - September 2018 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I learned a ton at this internship. I saw what office life was like, I shadowed various designers and photographers, I sat in on meetings, and worked with the team to create beautiful designs. I had a great time and I created a lot of great work for my portfolio.

What I wish was different


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